Having A Dinner Party Steps To Get The Table Ready

Author: Admin  |  Category: Dinnerware

By Danielle Brooks

Following the guests being invited on the morning of the dinner party you will need to get the table laid so that they can enjoy the food you have prepared for them. But before you can lay the table which can prove challenge if the work hasn’t been done before you first need to choose a dinnerware service to serve the food on.

Make sure that you select plates and bowls that are suitable for your party. For the more formal types of parties then it is worth thinking about investing in a good ceramic service. But for the less informal parties then plain china plates will be okay. What is really vital is that you select plates and bowls that match the theme of your dinner party.

After the dinnerware has been chosen now on the morning of the party you should begin the laying of the table so that if you do need to make any changes you can without it causing any interruption after your guests have arrived.


Step 1 – The first thing to be done after placement of the table cloth and mats is to layout your dinner ware. Situate the dinner plate directly in front of where your guests will be sat. Then on to this should be placed the salad plate or soup bowl. Doing this will ensure that there is plenty of space for other items to be located on the table for your guests to enjoy.

Also by placing the plates in this way will avoid confusion and ensures that your guests use the right etiquette when eating the meal. As for the dessert plates these don’t need to be on the table until all other courses have been eaten and when your guests are ready to enjoy the pudding you have prepared for them.

Step 2 – Once the plates are in their correct position now you need to lay out the cutlery (Oneida flatware). For formal dinner parties the fish, dinner and salad fork are placed on the guests left hand side and on the right you will place the fish and dinner knives along with a soup spoon and teaspoon. You should only include the fish knife and fork if you are serving a dish that has fish in it.

Step 3 – Once the dinnerware and cutlery (Oneida Flatware) are in position you now need to place a napkin where each of your guests is seated. Formal dinner parties should have a lace or white napkin on the table but for something a little less formal then brightly coloured ones can be used. The choice about where you place this item is up to you. Some people prefer to fold it and place it on top of the dinner plate, whilst others will just roll it up inside a napkin ring and put it on the left hand side of where the guest is sat.

Step 4 – All of the glasses that are to be used during the dinner party must be placed above the dinnerware and to the right hand side. Put the glasses upside down on the table and this will allow you guests to decide if they want to enjoy any of the drink on offer during the meal. In order to have a glass of what is being offered they simply need to turn their glass the correct way up.

About the Author: Danielle Brooks is a freelance writer who loves to entertain. Some of her favorites for entertaining are her

Oneida flatware

sets, which she usually buys at





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