Lennox Healthy Climate Air Filters Keep Health Risks At Bay!}

Author: Admin  |  Category: Ropes And Cords

Lennox Healthy Climate Air Filters Keep Health Risks At Bay!



The rapid rise in pollution in the past few decades has adversely affected human health. Pollutants such as pollen, bacteria and dust particles mix easily with air causing asthma, respiratory diseases and common allergies. While we have a tendency to notice major health hazards, we often tend to overlook the smaller problems. A Lennox Healthy Climate Air Filter helps protect your home from these pollutants.

While the typical fiberglass filter protects your air conditioner and heating system, a Healthy Climate” air filter from Lennox removes the smallest of these particles safeguarding your home. Buying a Lennox Healthy Climate Air Filter is like making a long term investment with lifelong positive results.

In contradiction to the Fiber glass filter with function restricted to removing only large airborne particles, Lennox Healthy Climate Air Filters remove the smallest contaminants that even the standard filters cant stop. The performance of Lennox Healthy Climate Air Filters has been recognized worldwide and it is no surprise that its effectiveness equates it with up to a MERV 16 filter. Because of excellent air flow characteristics (relative to other high-MERV filters) and outstanding particle filtration capabilities, Lennox Healthy Climate Air Filters protect the health of your family as well as the condition of the heating and cooling equipment in which they are installed.


Adding to the features of Lennox Healthy Climate Air Filters, they are backed by a five year limited warranty on covered components. At www.discountfurnacefilter.com we take the utmost care in providing you with products of the highest quality. Choosing Lennox Healthy Climate Air Filters is an excellent way to upgrade from the generic fiber glass filters in your local hardware store. When it comes to Healthy Climate Air Filters you can easily trust Lennox for it is one of the most respected names in home comfort and indoor air quality.

If you need any more information or have any questions as you consider a Lennox Healthy Climate Air Filter purchase, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team via email by clicking here: I Have A Question

As always, Thank You for shopping at DiscountFurnaceFilter.com. We sincerely appreciate your business.

Will Housh

Founder and President


Will Housh is a very well known author who writes on the topics related with

Lennox Healthy Climate Air Filter


Healthy Climate

, Whole house Humidifiers and many more for the site www.discountfurnacefilter.com.

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Is Selling On Ebay Just A Hobby Or A Real Business?

Author: Admin  |  Category: Accounting Firm

By Tim Knox

Q: I made extra money selling things on eBay last year. These were items I picked up at yardsales mostly. My husband says I am responsible for paying income tax on the money I made, but I disagree. This is just my hobby, not a business. What do you think?

— Gladys A.

A: With so many people selling on eBay these days this is a question I get all the time. To many eBay sellers the thought of running an actual business is about as appealing as getting negative feedback, so they go out of their way to convince themselves that selling on eBay is really “just a hobby” and therefore, should not be susceptible to income tax laws.

While you might think selling on eBay is just a hobby and the extra money you’re making is not reportable as income, depending on the circumstances, the IRS just might disagree with you.

The IRS rules are clear: you must pay taxes on all personal and business income and that includes money you make selling on eBay.

In its most basic sense, the IRS rules mean that if you buy a vase at a garage sale for $10 and sell it on eBay (or elsewhere) for $20 you made a $10 profit and therefore must report it as income and pay Uncle Sam his fair share.

In reality, if you are a casual seller who only sells a few items on eBay every now and then it’s doubtful the IRS is going to lose much sleep over the few bucks you make.


However, if you consistently sell on eBay the IRS may deem your activities to be business oriented and you will be required to file a Schedule C and claim the income.

The IRS uses a number of factors to determine if a hobby is really a business. These factors include:

1. Do you carry on the activity in a business-like manner?

If you conduct your eBay activities in a business-like manner, i.e. you keep business records, track profit and loss, keep a separate checking account, etc. then whether you think so or not, your hobby is really a business.

2. Do you spend considerable time working on your hobby?

If you put considerable time and effort into your eBay sales, the IRS may contend that you do so for profit and not fun. It seems the folks at the IRS don’t believe in doing things strictly for pleasure. My guess is, neither do you. If you weren’t making money selling on eBay I doubt you’d bother getting up at 4 a.m. to hit all those yardsales.

Then again, maybe you would… :o)

3. If you depend on income from your eBay activities for your livelihood?

If so, it’s a business, not a hobby.

There are a number of other factors the IRS uses to determine if a hobby is really a business, but that covers the basics.

You can learn more at the IRS website at www.irs.gov.

What’s eBay’s take on all this?

eBay is vehemently opposed to anything tax related (especially the forced collection of sales tax, which is a whole ‘nother issue). It’s understandable that eBay is not a fan of the IRS since trying to enforce tax rules on buyers and sellers would undoubtedly be detrimental to the way eBay does business.

eBay does not does not issue 1099 tax forms to sellers, nor does it report seller’s sales figures to the IRS. eBay considers itself a faciliator, i.e. they provide a marketplace in which buyers and sellers come together to do business.

However, since eBay is not directly involved in the transactions that take place between buyers and sellers, it would be impossible for eBay to report sales figures. Furthermore, eBay does not track if a seller actually gets paid by the buyer, so they have no idea how much money actually changes hands, making it impossible for eBay to issue accurate 1099s to sellers.

On the bright side, if you do sell on eBay as a business you can deduct a number of business expenses, including the cost of inventory, listing fees, shipping, envelopes, packing materials, etc. You might also be able to deduct things like the purchase of a computer for business use, office space (even if it’s a home office), office supplies, and more.

I’m not accountant (nor do I play one on TV), so please do not take any of this as tax advice or legal opinion. Talk to your accountant if there’s any doubt as to whether you should or should not be paying taxes on your eBay earnings.

Here’s to your success!

Tim Knox

About the Author: Small Business Q&A is written by veteran entrepreneur and syndicated columnist, Tim Knox. Tim serves as the president and CEO of three successful technology companies and is the founder of DropshipWholesale.net, an online organization dedicated to the success of online and eBay entrepreneurs.

Related Links: prosperityandprofits.com smallbusinessqa.com dropshipwholesale.net



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Significance Of Part Bins Or Fish Bins For Storage Purpose

Author: Admin  |  Category: Shipping

Significance of Part Bins or Fish Bins for Storage Purpose



Plastic storage supplies like fish bins, plastic storage bins, part bins, etc. are ideal for organizing your stuff and to clean up clutter in an affordable way. Plastic storage bins are available in wide variety of sizes, styles and hues. No matter, what type of organization you require to store your items, you will be able to find part bins, which meet your needs & budget limit.

Plenty of plastic storage bins and fish bins are made with plastic casing and can be utilized for number of purposes. These storage supplies offer an affordable and simple solution for storage needs of house/office.

The best thing about plastic storage supplies is that part bins, fish bins and plastic storage bins offer an economical means to satiate all your storage needs. Besides this, these supplies also takes up less space and reduce clutter to a great extent. Several plastic containers are designed to handle the capacity of hundred pounds for storing simple things. With these containers, you can pile up your items to fit in a room.


For buying plastic storage supplies like fish bins, part bins, plastic storage bins, etc. you don t have to break your bank. They are available at affordable rates at any thrift store, department store or craft stores. Let us discuss how plastic storage bins are useful:-

Storage supplies like fish bins, part bins, plastic storage bins, etc. are more portable compared to the storage supplies made of other types of materials. These supplies are much lighter compared to other types of storage supplies.

For example: – If you have to relocate, then you need to shift your household items and other such stuffs to new house. With plastic storage bins, you will not face any difficulty during transportation and movement of goods. It makes transportation process much convenient and hassle free.

Plastic storage supplies like fish bins, part bins, plastic containers, etc. are water-resistant and resistant to corrosion. Plastic supplies are an ideal option for efficient and long lasting storage solution. They don t require much maintenance.

For cleaning plastic storage supplies like fish bins or part bins, you just have to wipe them with a clean cloth. No need of cleaning them with chemicals, as the characteristics of these supplies already contains number of chemical components, which can withstand external and environmental conditions.

To take a first look at the online collection of plastic storage supplies like fish bins, part bins and containers, etc. surf related online stores on the Internet. Thus, plastic storage supplies are ideal for storage purpose and give true value for invested money.

We are one of the largest manufacturer, supplier and stockist of quality plastic products, Plastic Containers, Jerrycans, Plastic Pails, Fuel Can and Plastic Packaging Containers in New Zealand.

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Children’s Education Ngo Supports Education Of Underprivileged Children

Author: Admin  |  Category: Food

Many government setup educational facilities and Education NGO are working for the cause of education of underprivileged children. These NGOs help the children in learning and gaining education that lead to a better and sustainable life. Children education NGO are supporting the cause of educating the underprivileged kids to help them in understanding the value the learning process possesses. These NGOs provide free meals apart from imparting free education for a better future of the kids.

The children’s education NGO makes sure that the children attend the NGO education center or the government school in their locality on regular basis and monitor the quality of education and qualification of teachers teaching in these centers. The subjects are taught to the children in the local languages and English language has been implemented too in many NGO run schools. The quality of education is estimated through the growth and competency of the child studying at the center.


Unlike kids of the well off families, these underprivileged kids cannot afford to get help from tuition centers for improving their performance at school. To ease the workload at schools, these NGOs have opened up education centers to help the children manage their schoolwork.

Poverty is not only related to hunger or homelessness. It relates to the consequences of being uneducated thus making the children incapable of coping up with problems of life and improving their social and financial status. Children’s Education NGO understands all aspects of poverty and emphasizes education as an effective remedy.

Arpan education is an NGO supporting underprivileged children in their schoolwork. It functions as a tuition center and takes the kids on frequent educational trips.

Article Source: sooperarticles.com/business-articles/non-profit-articles/childrens-education-ngo-supports-education-underprivileged-children-131620.html

About Author:

for more information visit….. arpaneducation.com/ Author: Ashish Sahgal

Excessive Sweat Why Does Hyperhidrosis Occur?

Author: Admin  |  Category: Hyperhidrosis Surgery

Excessive Sweat – Why Does Hyperhidrosis Occur? By Michael Rad

The body needs sweat in order to cool down when the temperatures become too high. In nature, we see many creatures using different methods to keep a constant body temperature – sweating is our way of doing it. Unfortunately, some people experience excessive sweat, a condition known as hyperhidrosis, in which the sweat levels are higher than necessary. The condition occurs because of the overactive sympathetic nervous system. Hyperhidrosis causes

The central command center for sweat related processes is the hypothalamus. The brain sends information to the sweat nerves which then pass it along to the sweat glands. When shis system gets overactive, the sweat glends produce larger amounts of sweat, resulting in the condition known as hyperhidrosis. Different stimuli can contribute to this process. The most common include nervousness, outside pressure, anxiety, stress.

Social interactions may also trigger excessive sweat, because they are the environtments when all of the above mentioned factors become active. When a person suffering from hyperhidrosis is engaged in social interactions the strength of the outside stimuli increases, making that person more susceptible to sweat extensively.

Antiperspirants are useful for treating milder cases of hyperhidrosis, as they can diminsih the negative effects of excessive sweating. By targeting specific sweat glands, antiperspirants significantly reduce the sweat production and increase the dryness of the skin in the areas where they are applied. Various products come in different forms, such as deodoratns and medication. Deodorants are the most widespread form of antiperspirant, as they are easy to use and producce very little or no discomfort. Deodorants are mostly used to treat excessive underarm sweating. Treatment for axillary hyperhidrosis

One of the most effective chemical compounds used for hyperhidrosis treatment is Aluminum Chloride. Used in higher concentrations, Aluminum Chloride has a faster impact on the sweat glands, reducing their excessive production. One of the antiperspirants that use Aluminum Chloride successfully is Drysol, a good choice for people suffering from mild forms of axillary hyperhidrosis. Drysol does reduce the amount of sweat generated by the underarms, but it may also cause skin iritations if used excessively. Applying Drysol works best at night time, when the sweat glands show a reduced activity, and long term results may show some improvement of excessive sweating of the armpits.



Is Having A Roommate A Good Idea?

Author: Admin  |  Category: Strata Management


In today’s economy, those living on their own for the first time will find living alone a daunting task. Prices are too high for one person to pay, and they seem to only be getting higher. Thankfully, most apartments allow two or more people to group up as roommates, to share the load. But is this a good idea in the grand scheme of things? If you are looking for apartments in downtown San Diego, and you are curious as to the upsides of a roommate, here is a short list of the main benefits.

#1. Lightened financial load

The obvious benefit of having a roommate is that you both share the rent. This takes what would otherwise have been an unbearable load and turns it into a manageable living expense. This is the first reason people jump to when they defend the concept of having a roommate. And for good reason; more income coming in means that you don’t have to spend everything on rent, and can actually have some money left over for you.

#2. Someone to talk to

Even if you don’t like your roommate, at least you’ll have someone regularly around that you can talk to. One of the main problems most people face when living on their own for the first time is loneliness. It’s hard to adjust to living in a house for the first time, and knowing that there’s nobody else there. A roommate is a good set of training wheels, in this case, for helping deal with this very issue.

#3. A sense of security

When you’re living independently for the first time, it can be daunting to have to return every night to a dark, empty apartment. While some might see having a roommate as potentially not helping (i.e. if they have a criminal record, they have access to all of your things) this is highly unlikely to happen. Especially nowadays with the advent of the internet, where someone’s past actions, particularly their potentially illegal actions, are up online for all to see. Having a roommate ensures an extra level of security for the nervous first-timer, who would rather not have to deal with the feeling of paranoia a new apartment can cause in the middle of the night.

Roommates are, despite the occasional horror story, a boon to people moving into their own place for the first time. They handle half the rent, provide an extra level of security, and give you someone to interact with, so you don’t feel as alone as you would otherwise. In the best cases, getting a roommate is signing up for a best friend. For more information Visit Pacific Gate By Bosa.

Explained: Does Corporate Tax Apply To Freelancers?

Author: Admin  |  Category: International Tax Specialists

The United Arab Emirates has now introduced, for the first time, federal corporate tax in the country. Announcing the new tax regime, the ministry of finance (MOF) has released a set of key pointers that serve as guidelines for the applicability of the corporate tax, which would be enforced from 1 June 2023 onwards (‘UAE Corporate Tax’). The corporate tax law in itself is awaited to be issued.

The UAE corporate tax will apply to all business and commercial activities in the UAE, except for the commercial activity of extraction of natural resources, which would still be taxed as per emirate specific taxation. The Federal Tax Authority (FTA) established in 2016, shall be the government entity responsible for the administration, collection and enforcement of the corporate tax regime in the UAE. Further, the Ministry of Finance will remain the competent authority for purposes of international tax agreements, treaties etc., including the exchange of information for tax purposes.

Taxable Threshold:

The UAE corporate tax will apply to a certain portion of the total income generated, which is referred to as the ‘taxable income’. The taxable income could be determined by taking into account the net profit of a given business entity after having adjusted certain deductibles. More information is awaited on the exact criteria applicable.

The corporate tax will be applicable on a taxable income above Aed 375,000.

Thus, for a taxable income up to Aed 375,000, applicable corporate tax will be 0%.

The corporate tax rates applicable for income above AED 375,000 include:

  • 9% for taxable income above Aed 375,000; and

  • a different tax rate for large multinational companies that meet certain specific criteria.

As discussed above, the UAE corporate tax shall be made applicable to all business and commercial activities conducted in the UAE. The only exemptions that have been clarified at present by the MOF concern the commercial activity of extraction of natural resources as there is a separate emirate level taxation applicable for the said activity. In short, all nature of business activities carried out in the UAE, under a trade license or permit, including income earned under freelancer permits (provided taxable income exceeds Aed 375,000), shall be included within the scope of applicability of the UAE corporate tax regime. Thus, if you are a freelancer, who is licensed in the UAE and earning a taxable income in excess of Aed 375,000, you are subject to the UAE corporate law and required to pay the applicable corporate tax.

Other exemptions to the UAE Corporate Law:

  • Individual salaries and employment income are exempted from being taxed for both public and private sector employees.

  • Investments made by individuals in real estate or capital gains received from the personal investment made through shares or debentures, in the form of dividends, investment returns will not be taxed as long as it is in their personal capacity.

  • Businesses registered in the free zones in the UAE will be included under the UAE corporate tax regime, however, only to the extent that they conduct their business within the UAE. For business activities outside the UAE, the corporate tax exemption granted to such business entities will continue to be honored under the new corporate tax regime as well.

The UAE corporate tax will apply from the financial year starting from 1 July 2023 and ending on 30 June 2024. However, for a business that as its financial year starting from 1 January 2023 and ending on 31 December 2023, will become subject to the UAE corporate tax starting from 1 January 2024. This requires businesses and individuals to start planning ahead, whether it concerns the implementation of the measures, imparting training for their staff or ensuring a compliance policy. Of course, the UAE corporate law is still awaited to be published, and a thorough review of the same to understand the threshold parameters and the applicable tax rate is a given mandatory step ahead.

Introduction of the new corporate law can have a multifold effect on foreign direct investment following into the UAE, wherein the investors are particular about the profits, for existing entities the concerns could be about the applicability of the pretax and post-tax returns and double tax treaties amongst others. Having introduced the new corporate tax regime for the first time in the country, the UAE now aims to implement international best practices in creating a leading global center for investment and businesses while accelerating the country’s strategic objectives for further advancement. The new changes also reaffirm the country’s commitment to meeting international standards for tax transparency and in curbing negative tax practices.

The Palaces Of Turkey

Author: Admin  |  Category: Hotel

Submitted by: Shereena Lingiah

Turkey is a country of amazing architecture. Among the ancient cities, rural ruins and breathtaking mosques you can discover the historic palaces of the Sultans during your Turkey holidays. As well as the palaces and historical sites, there are the hotel palaces that will make your holidays in Turkey luxurious and comfortable.

Ishak Pasha Palace

In the east of Turkey, in the Agri province, is the Ishak Pasha Palace situated in a breath-taking elevated position. The palace is a popular destination for excursions on holidays in Turkey. Its high vantage point provides amazing views of the surrounding scenery around, with a commanding view of the plains, cliff faces and hills. This includes the majestic Mt Ararat peak in the distance.

A visit to the Ishak complex on your Turkey holidays will put you among pale orange walls, tall columns and high archways. The palace s carved stone walls are decorated with runes and ridges, and the mosque within has a high domed roof over an airy inner chamber. The palace is named after the Ottoman governor that built it between the years of 1685 and 1784


You can visit here as part of a guided tour during your holidays in Turkey.

Topkapi Palace

The Topkapi Palace is just as impressive, but it is the interiors that take your breath away more than how it looks from the outside. The palace is made up a series of halls; with each new sultan, a new room was added to the palace, enabling modern visitors on Turkey holidays to track the changes in fashions through the generations.

The halls are ornately decorated and colourful with amazing colour schemes. One of the more spectacular halls is tiled with ivory, mother of pearl and sea turtle shells, with an adjoining fountain. For a long time this palace was the location for the sultan s harem, so visitors on their holidays in Turkey can learn about the lavishness of the sultan s lifestyle. They can also see the sultan’s private bathing area.

Wandering through the courtyards and mansions within the palace walls you can see a maze of opulent buildings. In the treasury, you have the chance on your Turkey holidays to see the fourth biggest diamond in the world, which is called the Spoonmaker s Diamond. The pear shaped gem is 86 carats and more than four centimetres tall. There is also a tooth and a hair from the Prophet Mohammed and the Topkapi Dagger.

The Hotel Palaces of Istanbul

There are two quality hotels in Istanbul that go under the name palace . The Bosphorus Palace Istanbul is a luxury hotel set in a renovated Ottoman mansion. It is located beneath the Bosphorus Bridge, so holidays in Turkey here will lie on a meeting point of the Asia and European continents. The hotel has a lovely view of the city and you can take a ferry to the opposite shore. The hotel has modern services such as Internet connections and valet parking, and is proud of its high standards of service.

The Best Western Empire Palace Istanbul has a very different view. It is located in Istanbul s old town, and is close to the main attractions for Turkey holidays like the Sultan Ahmet Blue Mosque and the impressive Galata Tower. It is one of many high quality hotels you can stay in whilst on holiday in Turkey.

About the Author: Shereena Lingiah is the Marketing Manager for Anatolian Sky, a specialist travel company that provide the very best

holidays in Turkey

at extremely competitive prices. They provide tailor-made holidays to Turkey and Northern Cyprus, including the entire Anatolian region.



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Houston Electricians Helpful Tips To Assist You During The Hiring Procedure

Author: Admin  |  Category: Electrician

Houston Electricians Helpful Tips To Assist You During The Hiring Procedure


Sami Jack

Residents of Houston, Texas recognize Houston Electricians as one of the most reliable and dependable electricians in their area. They are available for their customers 24/7 in any emergency. When you have the need for an electrician you must of course call on Electrician Houston.

Houston Electricians has gained a very valuable reputation in the electrical industry. They have a good standing with the Better Business Bureau and are well accepted by their previous clients. They are well known for their procedures being designed to accommodate all of their customer needs. It is often said that all the frustrations are gone when you have Electrician Houston on the job. They are there to help when you need a light, switch or perhaps new outlets. When something is no longer working, then don’t go without instead call a professional. Houston Electricians knows the value of a home for the homeowner and is willing to get those jobs done for you immediately.


There are things that arise from time to time like a ceiling fan, chandelier or perhaps a security light that you need to have installed. You do not have to worry about paying out a huge expense to get these things done. Houston Electricians charges a very fair and reasonable fee for their services. Often people dread to call in an electrician fearing that the cost will be outrageous. Our service technicians know that it is important to get the job done correctly at a reasonable price. That is one of the things that make our company considered very highly in the industry by our clients.

There is no need to go without when it comes to having a need for a new electrical appliance because our Electrician Houston will be there for you to make sure that everything is installed in a reasonable time with a reasonable price. We give you an estimate before we start work so you know what your cost is going to be. You don’t want any surprises when it comes to cost and we intend on giving you a fair and equitable price from the start. We will give you a free cost estimate, siting the cost of the supplies and the amount it will cost you for our service technicians.

One of the things that we are well recognized for is the fact that our schedulers are the highest trained in the business. We use a standard system that is 100% computerized making sure that all of our appointments are kept immediately. The customer has no wait for their appointments because we know that your time is very valuable. You can schedule an appointment any time day or night which makes it more convenient for the customer. We provide services for residential customers and for commercial electrical needs as well.

Houston Electricians has worked on many new home sites that are being built in the area. We also work for business’s that needs our services. There is nothing like a refrigeration unit that has gone out for a major company to be costly. That is why we provide emergency services for our clients anytime day or night.

Houston Electricians

will do an amazing job fixing the system that is incredibly vital to living in your house. For more information please visit


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Three Qualities A Great Dog Walker Needs To Have

Author: Admin  |  Category: Puppies For Sale

byAlma Abell

Anyone can put a leash on a dog and walk around, but a professional dog walker should have great qualities not only as a dog walker but as a person as well. These three qualities may be common traits of a good employee, but not many employees are tasked with pleasing two clients at the same time. Let’s take a look into how this profession can be a hard pick.



One quality that is necessary is patience. Dogs may not be able to talk like us but they do have personalities just like humans. It is very important to get to know those personalities and understand their behavior through patience. Each breed has a different demeanor form the next and as a professional dog walker, they must consider how the breed presents itself and how they must approach them. This also must reflect towards the owner as the professional dog walker prepares to take the dog from the owner and care for them.


Another quality a dog walker should have is awareness. For example, a dog walker in New York should have awareness of their surroundings. There is a lot of activity going on in New York. Mostly everyone walks in New York so there is high traffic wherever they turn. Parks are fun but very big. Socialization is an important factor that professional dog walkers should promote to get your dog used to interacting with others, not just family and close friends. It’s a myth that it diminishes the dog’s protective barrier, they are intelligent to acknowledge when their owner or loved one is endanger or not. While socializing at the park, the dog might run off after another dog or a toy. Knowing where you and the dog are at all times is pertinent to being a good dog walker.


Finally yet importantly, a professional dog walker should always be punctual. One of the reasons a dog walker is hired is because of the stress the owner might be dealing with. Hence, that stress should not be furthered by tardiness. Also, arriving on time shows how responsible and professional you are. This reflects on the business of dog walkers themselves, so professional dog walkers must be mindful of how they present themselves, no matter if they’re dog owners themselves. Dog owners must feel safe entrusting their pet to another person while they go about their day.

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