How To Treat Acne In Males And Acne In Females?

Author: Admin  |  Category: Cosmetic And Reconstructive Surgery

Acne is considered to be a problem of the adolescence. It affects teenagers mostly because it is primarily caused by hormonal imbalance, which occurs during the growing up years. However, this does not mean that the grown ups are immune to the problem. Men and women of all ages are susceptible to the problem. The basic fact is that it can catch up with amazing swiftness to even those who reach the age of 40, or more.

Acne In Men

Among men, there are a number of factors that can cause acne. Excessive secretion of oil and clogged pores are the basic cause of acne. Those who have oily skin are prone to the problem. So, if you have oily skin and your job demands you to stay in dusty environment, the likelihood of your developing acne problem is heightened manifold irrespective of age.

A substandard shaving cream may also cause acne. The same goes for after shave lotions. So, you need to take care of a few things. Use a fresh, good quality blade every time you shave, and use a good shaving cream.

Another cause of acne is stress. The hectic lives we lead today bring stress as a byproduct. This could be a reason for your acne. This does not mean that stress necessarily causes acne. Whether or not the stress would cause acne depends upon whether or not your skin is prone to acne. You have to be extra careful if you have been a teenager with the extended period of acne problem or you suffered from severe acne during your growing up years.

Acne In Women

So far as women are concerned, they are prone to acne at all those stages where they undergo hormonal changes. Acne, therefore, is likely to breakout during pregnancy and around the time of menopause because during these stages hormonal levels fluctuate.

Therefore, it is prudent that the women who are prone to acne prepare themselves beforehand by arming themselves with information and medical advice before the pregnancy and menopause.

Acne, therefore, is not simply a teenagers problem. It might affect the elders too. Thus, it is important that you are prepared and not taken by surprise when acne breaks out.

Acne Tips Curing Your Acne At First Sight

Author: Admin  |  Category: Cosmetic And Reconstructive Surgery

While it might not be an alarming situation at first, it can become a serious disease if not treated properly. It can affect a person mentally as well and can lower the self-confidence of a person.

So it is imperative that an acne treatment is found. The earlier you tackle the acne, the better. Usually acne will become itchy on your skin and you will find yourself scratching it. This is a very big mistake. Scratching will only worsen the skin condition and the bacteria can spread. If your hands are a bit dirty, this can worsen more.

So if you want to cure your acne as fast as possible, avoid scratching it and take actions immediately. Your acne will heal much more faster.

There are numerous methods to get rid of your acne. You can make use of acne lotion, cream, cleanser and all the acne skin care products. Although there are certain risks like skin allergies to these products, they can work for you. You won’t know if you don’t try. Of course, consult a dermatologist first.

You can also have recourse to natural methods which exist. It might take more time but they have great potential to work and they are natural. The thing is you need to be consistent in your acne treatment and follow it for several weeks before seeing promising results. If not, you will get discouraged because your acne won’t cure instantly.

Some people have used aloe vera and their skin problem has been healed. Others have utilized green tea leaves which work wonders. Green tea has the benefit of drying your acne and when the latter dries, it will go away with time. You need to boil green tea leaves in water and take the water after. Let it warm a bit, then apply to your face or other affected parts with a towel. Do this for 15 minutes daily for 2 weeks at least. The more the better. When I was a teenager, I got serious acne problems and blackheads as well and green tea leaves was the ultimate solution. Within 2 weeks, I start to see my acne drying up and it was starting to feel itchy which is a sign that it’s being cured. But I didn’t scratch. I continue using the green tea leaves for another 2 weeks and the acne was practically cured.

Then when my acne was healed, I paid more attention to what I eat because nutrition plays a role in acne. For instance if you eat too many oily and fried foods, you can get acne. The key is to eat healthier foods, drink lots of water, exercise, get enough rest and adequate sunlight and you can say goodbye to acne. Eat foods which are low in fats and oil and consume lots of vegetables too. Choose a boiled chicken breast rather than a fried one for example.

So now that you know how I cured my acne, why not give it a try? It doesn’t cost you much apart your consistency and persistency. Good luck in your acne healing goal.